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6 days, 12 hours, 4 minutes, 25 seconds

Thursday, March 27th

5:30PMCheck in & Registration

6:00PMSession One: Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Fr. Mathias


Friday, March 28th

9:00AMSession Two: The Father's Heart

Bishop Espaillat

11:45AMLunch Break

2:00PMSession Three: He Left the 99

Sarah Kaczmarek

The love of Jesus isn't just for us. There is a world out there that needs to meet Him and know Him. He's left the 99 for the one, and He's inviting us to follow Him and do the same.

4:00PMDinner Break (Confessions available)

6:00PMSession Four: Healing Service

Fr. Brian Gross


Saturday, March 29th

9:30AMMain Session Five: The Role of the Holy Spirit in the New Evangelization

Cardinal Dolan

12:00PMLunch Break

2:00PMBreakout Session Option 1

Sarah Kaczmarek- the Feet of Jesus (Women's Session)

2:00PMBreakout Session Option 2

Gilbert Rodriguez- Priest, Prophet & King: Fully Living out our Baptismal Identity

For in most cases prayer consists more in groaning than in speaking, in tears more than in words. But He lays our tears before His eyes, and our groaning is not hidden from Him who made all things by the word, and has no need of human words."-St. Augustine

Join Gilbert Rodriguez in this breakout session as he shares on how to partner with the Holy Spirit in the place of prayer to recognize the ways He stirs us to cry out for greater breakthrough in our spheres of influence.

4:00PMConference Mass

Bishop Espaillat

5:30PMDinner Break

7:30PMMain Session Six: Impartation

Fr. Mathias


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